

メジャー・デビュー作『In My Life』は思い切り歌に寄せた作品だったが、2枚目のフル・アルバムとなる今作は、初期の頃にあった不気味なカッコ良さもしっかりパッケージ。OHLDによるアンビエントなトラックに2音節ずつ言葉を乗せていくフックが奇妙すぎる“東京ゾンビ”がすごい。こうした曲と、得意の歌うようなフロウを駆使した清々しいポップ・ナンバーが自然と同居するのがSALUのバランス感覚の良さだろう

[English Translation]
His major debut release "In My Life" was very much song-oriented, whereas in this second full-length album, the mysterious cool he was known for from his early days has returned, smoothly finding its place in this new package. Take for instance, "Tokyo Zombie", a crazy tune distinctive with the incredibly odd hook and ambient track by OHLD, the Kanagawa-based producer/composer/mix engineer. In the end, it all comes down to SALU's exquisite sense of balance that lets this kind of distinguishing track co-exist, ever so naturally, with fresh crisp pop tunes making excellent use of his usual sing-like flow.