MPC奏者として都内やNYの路上でパフォーマンスする一方で、KMCやザ・なつやすみバンドの楽曲を手掛けるトラックメイカーの初作。つんのめり気味なビートにCAMPANELLAとKID FRESINOの煙たいラップが絡む“Furious”や、PUNPEEを迎えた哀愁度全開のキラー・チューン“夜を使いはたして”など、グルーヴィー&ファンキーななかに甘美で切ない空気感を共存させるセンスに脱帽。大器の片鱗を感じさせる逸材だ。
[English Translation]
The first album from the beatmaker who has been producing for KMC (Japanese hip hop MC) or The Natsuyasumi Band (Japanese four-piece band) while performing on the street in Tokyo or New York as an MPC player. I can only admire his superb musical sense as he delivers a groovy and funky atmosphere together with a sweet and sentimental touch, as in "Furious" featuring smoky rapping by MCs CAMPANELLA and KID FRESINO integrated with toppling beats or the sorrowful killer tune "Yoruwo Tsukaihatashite (meaning After Spending All Night)" featuring MC PUNPEE. An artist already brimming with a distinct air of great superiority.