孤高の道を歩むクイーン、次なる一手は初のバラードベスト。公式サイトでのファン投票を受けて15曲が選ばれ、結果的には年頭の最新シングル“TSUKI”からソロ・デビュー時まで満遍ないラインナップとなっている。歌唱の成長が如実に伝わる“SWEET 19 BLUES”などのリメイクも素晴らしく、キャリアで指折りの名曲“The Meaning Of Us”などからも、〈歌い手〉としての進化と真価を改めて堪能できるはず。MV集も素敵!


[English Translation]
Namie Amuro "Ballada"

The next move from the lofty song-queen is the first ever greatest hits of her ballads. The 15 tracks on the album were selected via fan voting on her official website, resulting in a fairly evenly spread of selection, varying from the latest single "TSUKI" released early this year all the way down to her solo debut song. Remakes of songs such as "SWEET 19 BLUES" are absolutely stunning, clearly reflecting the development of her singing capacities over the years, and the most famous tunes throughout her career such as "The Meaning Of Us" lets the listener fully re-appreciate her advancement and true values as a 'singer'. The accompanying collection of music videos are also not-to-be-missed!