バンド・サウンドとエレクトロニカの中間を行く、レディオヘッドにも通じるやや陰鬱なサウンドスケープと、Rie fuの凛とした歌声の組み合わせによる独自の平熱感は、通算5作目となる本作でも健在。抑え目のトーンの前半に対し、ソニック・ユースばりの荒々しいギターとメロディアスな歌が交互に現れる、プログレッシヴな“WOW”から、静と動の対比がカタルシスを生む“Close Enough”へと至る後半の流れが秀逸だ。

[English Translation]
The slightly sombre soundscape positioned between band sounds and electronica, akin to Radiohead, sets the unique average-temperature balance they are known for, combined with the dignified singing by Japanese singer-songwriter Rie fu in this 5th release from this band consisting of NAOTO of ORANGE RANGE (Japanese mixture/alternative rock band) and Rie fu. Though the tone of the first half of the album is mildly contained, the flow towards to the latter half from the progressive sounded "WOW" where a Sonic Youth-like stormy guitar and melodious vocals appear one after the other, to "Close Enough", a track producing a catharsis from the comparison between static and dynamic, is nothing but proof of mastery excellence.