USホープレスとの正式契約や、海外のビッグ・フェスへの連戦が決定するなど、ついに本格的な世界進出を開始した彼らからミニ・アルバムが到着。前作から導入した打ち込みを使用しつつも、構成は比較的シンプル。そのなかで、エモーショナルなグッド・メロディーとラウドで屈強なバンド・サウンドを前面に押し出した、王道感のある楽曲が並ぶ。ピアノバラードの“House Of Cards”も野心的!

[English Translation]
The latest mini-album release from coldrain who are officially stepping out to the international world with their formal contract with Hopeless Records and fixed schedules of successive performances in big music festivals overseas. While again making good use of step recordings as they did in their last release, the construction of the album remains fairly simple, out of which, classic-sounding tracks putting to the fore the emotional melodies and loud, brawny band sounds proudly consist the line-up. Piano ballad "House Of Cards" is an ambitious challenge that shouldn't be missed either!