Re:NO(ヴォーカル)加入後、フル作では2枚目になるニュー・アルバム。メロディック・メタルの熱き疾走感を主軸にしつつ、ベースラインが強調されたダークな妖艶さと、胸をえぐる哀愁味もグッと増し、歌メロに力点を置いた曲調とが絶妙にマッチしている。グランジ風味の“puffy eyes”、抜群のポップセンスを発揮した“Red strings”、バラード調の“I Don't Like Me”など懐の深い楽曲群は聴き応え十分だ。

[English Translation]
The 2nd full length album release ever since vocalist Re:NO joined the band. Retaining the hot and sprinting feel of melodic metal as the main shaft of their music, the bass line-enhanced dark voluptuousness and heart hollowing pathos has been intensified, creating a perfect match with the tone of the music that places main emphasis on the vocal melodies. Deep-minded tracks including the grungy-toned "puffy eyes", "Red strings" exerting excellent pop sense and the ballad-ish "I Don't Like Me" all contribute in making the album a great worthy listen.