ミニ・アルバム『テレフォン No.1』から1年ぶり、そしてフルレングスとしては3年ぶりの新作は、このバンドの秀でたポップセンスが全編で爆発した快作だ。生ドラムとプログラミング、あるいはシンセ・ベースなどを上手く使い分けることによってリズム・アレンジの振り幅がグッと広がり、アルバム全体の雰囲気も実にカラフルで賑やか。そして、ふくろうずの魅力と言えば内田万里の少し舌足らずでガーリーな歌唱と、そこで紡がれる端正なメロディーラインだが、いずれももちろん健在。楽曲のムードに応じてさまざまな表情を見せる歌声はどれも可愛らしく、少し気取った感じのテクノ・ポップや疾走するギター・ロック・チューンも楽しいが、やはり別れや失恋をモチーフにしたナンバーが抜群にイイ。


[English Translation]
Fukurouzu "Magic Moment

After a 1 year blank from their previous mini-album release of "Telephone No.1", and a 3 years blank since the last full-length album, the 3 piece Waseda-graduated pop band now releases their latest album, this time detonating their brilliant pop sense throughout the whole album, producing another masterpiece. The atmosphere of the album as a whole is stunningly colourful and full of life with the significantly increased rhythm arrangements, tactfully using non-electronic drums drum sounds and programmed or synth- based beats. Of course, Mari Uchida's slightly lispy and girly vocals and the neat melody lines that she delivers has always been Fukurouzu's charm point, as proved well in this album too. The various expressions she displays in her singing depending on the mood of the tracks are all so cute, pleasantly standing out in slightly high-stepping techno pop or sprinting guitar rock tunes, but most of all, excellently in songs singing break-ups or broken hearts.