南波志帆(M)otocompoDr.Usuiフレネシ、イラストレーターの岸田メル、フォトグラファーのJulie WataiによるユニットのCDデビュー作。流麗な4つ打ち曲“明晰夢マドンナ”を筆頭に、テクノ・ポップをベースとするツイストの利いたナンバーが5曲。スマホ依存をコミカルに描いた南波作詞の“ドウカシテル!”、ヨーロピアン・ジャズ・ボッサ調と言えそうなカヒミ・カリィ“ハミングがきこえる”のカヴァーも聴きどころ。

[English Translation]
New creators' unit, xxx of WONDER (pronounced [Of Wonder]) formed by Japanese singer Shiho Nanba, programmer Dr. Usui of (M)otocompo (a men-only spin-off unit of electro-pop unit, MOTOKOMPO), singer-songwriting animator Frenesi, illustrator Kishida Mel and photographer Julie Watai has just released their debut CD. Kicking off with the elegantly flowing four-on-the-floor track "Meisekimu Madonna (meaning Lucid Dream Madonna)", packed is a total of 5 techno-pop based tracks full of clever twists. "Dokashiteru!" is a song written by Shiho Nanba comically illustrating people addicted to smart phones, while a cover of indie pop/experimental musician Kahimi Karie's "Humming Ga Kikoeru (meaning I Hear the Humming)" decorated into a European jazz-bossa tune is a must listen.