近年は泉まくらゆるめるモ!lyrical schoolといった女性アーティスト/アイドルへの楽曲提供でも注目されるハシダカズマが、みずから率いるバンドで2年ぶりの新作を発表。10人編成の楽曲も含む今作だが、管楽器やグロッケンなどをふんだんに取り入れたチェンバー・ポップ的なナンバーはどれも複雑な構成でありながら、やはりメロディーはどれも人懐っこい。その技巧的なソングライティングに舌を巻く。


[English Translation]
Hakoniwa no Shitsunaigaku “Friends

Receiving the favorable media attention for his recent songwriting credits on various female artists/idol groups such as Izumi Makura, You'll Melt More! and lyrical school, vocal/multi-instrumentalist/leader Kazuma Hashida has led the band to release the first mini-album in two years. Including the 10-piece big band tracks, with the effective use of assorted instruments as brass and Glockenspiel (musical instrument similar to xylophone), his own chamber pop tunes are complexly designed yet convey the listener-friendly, comfortable melodies as always. His polished songwriting technique is really worthy of admiration.