ブルー・ノート75周年も兼ねたプロダクトという触れ込みながら、蓋を開けてみればワールドカップの開催タイミングを睨んだブラジル音楽のカヴァー集に。フュージョンやクラブ・ミュージック方面にクロスオーヴァーしたナンバー中心の選曲で、全体の印象はとにかく流麗で鮮やか! ニーナ・ミランダやロブ・ギャラガーら、参加したヴォーカリストやプレイヤー陣の熱気が恐るべき爽快感へと直結した、気持ち良すぎる逸品です!

[English Translation]
Though being trumped-up as a product doubling the special release celebrating the 75th anniversary of Blue Note, the piece rather turns out to be a cover album of Brazilian tunes, aimed at the timing of the latest FIFA World Cup games. The tunes are selected around cross-overed numbers ranging from fusion to club music, letting off an absolutely neatly flowing and vividly coloured holistic impression! An almost too pleasant masterpiece in which the zingy passion of the participating vocalists and performers, such as Nina Miranda or Rob Gallagher, are connected directly to an incredible level of exhilaration!