
[English Translation]
The PANICSMILE-ish characteristic that can be described as a 'twisted alternative tone'is still kicking and alive in this first album in 5 years, also being the first release in the current band formation. From the very first Captain Beefheart-ish track made all 'Chindon' (='Chindon-ya' is a group of loudly dressed street musicians who perform on streets for advertising purposes)-sound until the very last track, the album rushes through like a flash, inviting the listener to dance to its contrast between the bawdy beats and minimal guitar riffs. Perhaps it would suit better to regard it as a traditional festival tuned piece, rather than a piece of dance rock, given the pleasant grooviness. The spoken-word-like vocals by Hajime Yoshida remains unchanged and eccentrically catchy…. Highly addictive!