PaniCrewYOHEYがプロデュースする6人組ガールズ・ユニットのメジャー進出作は、ドラムン仕立ての“Choose My Life”や爽やかな夏恋模様にキュン死しそうな“Chu me now!!”など、インディーズ時代の名曲群をまとめた新参者にも嬉しい一枚。なかでもライヴで披露済みの初CD化曲“IROHA MUSIK”は、和楽器入りの尖ったビートに悪ぶったラップがやたらとカッコ良い新路線で、2NE1などのK-Pop好きにもオススメしたい!

[English Translation]
The major debut release from the 6-members girls team produced by YOHEY of dance performance group PaniCrew, is a piece compiling their standard songs from their indies days, hence friendly to those who just has come to know their music, including the drum'n'bass-tailored "Choose My Life" or "Chu me now!!" that may cause deadly heart-twinging with its young and fresh summer love affairs in the song. Note, in particular, the new-front track "IROHA MUSIK" made available for the first time on CD and already seen performed live, that is overly cool thanks to the sharp beats decorated with traditional Japanese instruments and bad-ass rap. A track that can be well-recommended to K-Pop fans of the likes of 2NE1!