先行シングルで提示したエレクトロニックな路線を強調したものになるかと思いきや、それをしっかりと咀嚼し、独自のサウンドに昇華させたメジャーからの2作目。彼ららしく、そしてタイトルから連想されるような“evil passions”や“deadlock”など、獰猛で狂気渦巻く破壊的なサウンドはもちろんだが、感傷的でありながらどことなく爽やかさを感じさせる“mellow”が絶妙。作品に奥行きを持たせている。

[English Translation]
Despite the expectations that this second major album would follow along the same electro rock lines as their lead single, the band has completely assimilated that line and developed them into their own sound. As well as tracks with their furious, frantic and devastating signature sound, such as "evil passions" and "deadlock" associated with the album title, the album also features a sentimental yet somewhat refreshing track "mellow." A perfectly-balanced set of songs infuses the work with added depth.