1年半ぶりのフル作。凄まじい攻撃性とスピード感で駆け抜けていく“WORLD ENDER”を皮切りに、超絶テクニカル・プレイで魅せる恒例のインスト組曲“I-回顧”や、感傷をシャッフル・ビートが加速させる“pendulum”など、メタルをベースにした楽曲の多彩さが光る。特に、同志を引き連れて前に進まんとする断固たる決意を、強烈なハイトーン・ヴォイスで歌い上げる“Follow”は胸熱モノ。

[English Translation]
This visual-kei heavy metal band releases a full album after one and a half years. Their colorful tunes based on metal glitter: Starting from "WORLD ENDER" which runs through with tremendous aggressiveness and speed, they fascinate us with their transcendent techniques in an instrumental symphony series "I-Kaiko" (meaning I recall,) and accelerate the sentiment from shuffle beats in "pendulum." But the one especially touching is "Follow" in intense high-tone voices with expressing their determination to move forward accompanied by the fellows.