SeihoRyo Murakami、DJのOoshima Shigeruなど、突出した才能に注目が集まる関西エレクトロニック・ミュージック・シーンにあって、前作『OPUS Cloud』以降、その評価が海外に広がりつつあるMetomeことTakahiro UchiboriR&Bハウステクノアンビエントを内包したダブステップ以降のクロスオーヴァーをエレガントなタッチで実践する彼の作風は、前作から1年足らずでさらに進化。自身によるジャジーかつファンキーな鍵盤やベース、チョップしたヴォーカル・サンプルを活かしたサウンド・デザインはさらに洗練を極め、立体的なベース音響が支える後ノリのミニマルなマシーン・ファンクは先鋭的でありながら、ジャンルを超えたスムーズなリスニング体験を約束する。

[English Translation]
Amidst the vibrant electronic music scene in the city of Osaka in western Japan that is turning out numerous prominent talents, such as multi-artist (beatmaker/DJ/VJ/creator) Seiho, DJ and techno/house artist Ryo Murakami or DJ Ooshima Shigeru etc., Metome (born Takahiro Uchibori) has found his name gradually travelling across the seas ever since his previous release, "OPUS Cloud". His style of elegantly implementing post dubstep crossovers connoting R&B, house, techno and ambient sounds has evolved vastly in less than a year from the previous release. He has clearly attained further mastery with sound designing, fully utilizing his own jazzy yet funky keyboards or chopped vocal samples, and the minimal behind-the-beat machine funk supported by stereoscopic bass acousmato is edgy but yet promising of genre-straddling listening smooth as velvet.