クラムボンの結成20周年を記念したトリビュート盤に14組が集結。盟友のハナレグミレキシHUSKING BEEらロック・バンド、海外からはマイス・パレードと、メンツの多彩さがそのまま彼らの音楽性の幅広さを物語っている。凝ったアレンジが多いなか、シンプルな弾き語りが逆に存在感を際立たせている青葉市子と、参加自体の意外性に加え、トランス寄りのダンス・トラックで〈らしさ〉を発揮した小室哲哉が特に印象的。

[English Translation]
Fourteen groups have gotten together to make a tribute album to the Japanese musical trio clammbon to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Their musical diversity is represented by the wide variety of participating artists including old allies Hanaregumi (solo unit of Japanese singer/songwriter Nagazumi Takashi) and Rekishi (Takafumi Ikeda's solo-project) (, both former members of disbanded funk band SUPER BUTTER DOG), Japanese rock bands like HUSKING BEE and American post-rock band Mice Parade. Particularly impressive are the Japanese singer-songwriter Ichiko Aoba's piece sung only with a simple guitar accompaniment and of which simplicity stands out within the album dominated by elaborate arrangements, as well as the signature trance-influenced dance track by legendary Japanese electropop musician Tetsuya Komuro whose participation itself is a surprise.