1年半ぶりとなる5作目。超絶技巧で攻め立てる恒例シリーズ“Hades: The end”や、優麗なストリングスに誘われる“神的創造”、勇ましいクワイアが響き渡る“昏き世界の慟哭”など、本作でもこれでもかと言わんばかりに濃厚なシンフォニック・メタルを展開。そんな漆黒で幻惑的なサウンドを導く終身独裁官=ゆいのキュートな歌声に、臣民のみならず、メタラーもバンギャも片っ端から溺れるがいい!


[English Translation]
Yousei Teikoku (meaning Fairy Empire/In German: Das Feenreich) - "Hades: The other world"

This rock and heavy metal band Yousei Teikoku released their fifth full album for the first time in a year and a half.  They exhaustively unfold rich symphonic metal in this work again.  The last tune in a 'Hades trilogy,' "Hades: The end" urges you by their extreme technique.  Grace and beauty tones of the strings in "Kamiteki Souzou (meaning Divine Creation)" lure us. Valiant choir echoes in "Kuraki Sekai no Dokoku (meaning Murky World's Lament)." Yui, a.k.a. 'Dictator for Life' leads the jet-black and entrancing sound by her cute vocal.  Not only their fans a.k.a. 'subjects' but also all metallers and visual-kei band fans should wallow in their music!