Schroeder-Headz米津玄師ら多くのサポートを務めるなか、80KIDZの現場で出会ったSCAM CIRCLEHori(ドラムス/プログラミング)とYu(ヴォーカル/ベース/ギター/プログラミング)から成るデュオの初作。ドリーミーなシンセウェイヴにシューゲイザーブルーアイド・ソウルを溶かした歌世界はとてもロマンティック。海外インディー勢との共振も語れそうだけど、いちばん近いのは電化以降のスーパーカーかも。

[English Translation]
Among numerous supporting acts for various artists such as Japanese instrumental band Shroeder-Headz or singer-songwriter and illustrator Kenshi Yonezu, Hori  (drum/programming) of highly respected electronic band SCAM CIRCLE and Yu (vocal/bass/guitar/programming) met while performing as support artists at 80KIDZ’s live shows, who then formed the duo, ARDBECK. Released here is the debut EP of this duo. Their dearly romantic singing world of shoegaze and blue-eyed soul melting into dreamy synthwave, can be compared to some overseas indie equivalents while probably most closely oriented to the four-piece rock band Supercar’s, specifically in the latter/electronica era.