本物の草木をステージいっぱいに飾り付けた演出も話題となった、今年3月の初ワンマン公演の模様を収めたCD+DVDがタワレコ限定で登場! 一糸乱れぬタイトな演奏は生でも変わらないが、情熱的なグルーヴと優しいメロディーという彼らの特色がより一体となって風のように吹き抜けていく印象だ。特にラテン調のアップ“vermelho do sol”から間髪入れず、スペイシーなキーボードが扇情的な“relive”に繋ぐ構成には大興奮!

[English Translation]
Gaining favorable words and attentions by their unique production of decorating the stage with real trees and plants, 4-piece unit toconoma has given their own ‘oneman’ show for the first time in March this year and the memorable performance is now available on CD+DVD exclusively at Tower Records! Keeping its usual, impeccably stable and tight play as ever, the live sound seemingly works great putting everything together as their distinctive passionate groove and sweet melodies come and go like a nice breeze. Especially the fabulous immediate connection from a Latin-uplifting “vermelho do sol” to the spacy, provocative keyboard-borne “relive” will definitely get you really excited!