実に11年ぶりのアルバムを手に、ポップ・シンガーとしての藤井隆が本格復活を果たした。今回は藤井と西寺郷太、冨田謙の3人によるプロデュース作で、作詞のみならず、多くの作曲も自身が担当。全編でダンサブルなアプローチを見せており、ハウスやディスコ、グラウンド・ビート(!)などを採り込んでいるのだが、サウンドだけでなく、詞を含めて統一した情感を作り上げているのが本作の特色であり凄みだろう。ここで描かれるのは、やるせない陰りを帯び、時に官能的な(往時のハウスとも通底する)世界で、それが藤井の艶のあるヴォーカルで歌われた時の快感たるや! 奥様である乙葉(!!)やYOUらの絶妙なキャスティングも最高。確固たる志を感じさせるアダルト・オリエンテッドな傑作だ。
[English Translation]
Takashi Fujii "Coffee Bar Cowboy"
With the first album in a good 11 years, Takashi Fujii has made a full-fledged comeback as a pop singer. Co-produced by Gota Nishidera, Yuzuru Tomita and Fujii himself, the album includes a number of songs whose lyrics and music were composed by himself. It takes a danceable approach with tinges of house, disco, ground beat (!) among others, in which the music and the lyrics create a unified emotional world, making this album unique and special. The melancholic and sometimes sensuous world depicted in the album (which has something in common with old-time house music) gives you immense pleasure when sung in Fujii's burnished voice! Another standout includes the exceptional casting of guest artists, including his wife Otoha (!!) (Japanese television personality) and YOU (Japanese model, television personality, singer and actress). This is an adult-oriented epic album showing his firm determination.