3年半ぶりのオリジナル・アルバム。盟友meg rockとのガーリー・ポップ“millefeuille nights”、なりきりモード全開のダークなメタル曲“chocolat chaud”など想定内と言えば想定内のしょこたんもいれば、たむらぱんの詞/編曲による“イイヨね”など、アニソン80年代アイドルとリンクしてきたこれまでの趣向からに目先を変えたメルヘンな楽曲もあり。これまでにも増して貪欲さを窺わせますにゃあ。

[English Translation]
The drop of her original album in 3 and a half years. While some tracks are within the scope of assumption such as the girly pop "millefeuille nights" with sworn ally, Japanese singer-songwriter meg rock, or the 'pretend' but serious dark metal track, "chocolat chaud", some are testimony to the extension of her past dimensions which used to be geared towards anime songs or idols songs from the 80s, and has newly added some fairly tale touch to her music, such as "IIyone" written and arranged by Tamurapan, the Japanese singer-songwriter. An artistically healthy she-wolf, or should we say, she-feline??