前作からわずか9か月という、彼らとしてはかなりの短期間で新作が完成。作品全体の印象を決定付けているのは、序盤に並べられたマイナー調でひんやりとした質感の長尺曲だが、バンドの好調ぶりを感じさせるのはむしろ後半の楽曲。映画用に再録されたアッパーな過去曲や、細海魚のオルガンをフィーチャーしたファンキーな“Blinking Sun”からは、いまの3人で演奏することを心から楽しんでいる雰囲気が伝わってくる。

[English Translation]
Considering the band's previous works, releasing a new album in only 9 months from the last is pretty speedy. The main factors defining the overall atmosphere of the album are the marble-cool lengthy songs lined up at the beginning, though it is rather the songs in the latter half that actually displays the 'top shape' of the band. Tracks from the past that have been re-recorded in a upper tone for use in a film or funky "Blinking Sun" featuring the organ played by Japanese ambient/electronica musician, Sakana Hosomi, both suggest how much the three members truly appreciate and enjoy playing with each other.

【参考動画】dip “HASTY”(2013年作『HOWL』収録ヴァージョン)