国内ダブステップ・シーンの中心的存在であるDJが、主宰レーベルより2作目をドロップ! 和太鼓を想起させるドラムとオリエンタルなウワモノがダイナミックに交錯する“Spiritual Experience”をはじめ、トランスサイケエスノな旋律が次々と立ち現れるヘヴィーなダブステップに脳が揺れること必至! なかでも変拍子を大胆に取り入れた表題曲は、その懐の深さを見せつけた新境地と言えるだろう。

[English Translation]
From his own label, the key player DJ in the Japanese dubstep scene is finally dropping his second album! Such as in “Spiritual Experience” where drums that evoke Japanese traditional drums and oriental non-rhythm over-dubs intertwine dynamically, trance, psychedelic and ethno melodies appear one after another, and the heavy weighty dubstep is bound to make the brain go banging throughout the album. The title track boldly introducing irregular beats is a new frontier that proudly displays his highly increased capacities.