BiSファーストサマーウイカヒラノノゾミを中心に結成され、NIGO渡辺淳之介が共同プロデュースにあたるグループながら、NOT IDOLということでIDLE。〈ネオ80's〉をテーマとする4人組が、メンバー勇退/新メンバー加入を経て早くも3枚目のアルバムを完成させた。音作りは引き続きKEVIN MARKSが担当しているのだが、これがメチャクチャ良い! 作詞も手掛けたモモセモモがズバッと斬り込んでくる“泣きそうサンデー”のレッツゴーな推進力だけでツカミはOK。過去2作でもパンクやネオロカ、ニューウェイヴを通過したストレートな楽曲性の高さは光っていたけど、今回は六本木で心中しそうな歌謡性やハード・ロック成分も増量して、それらを歌にキレのある4人が豪快にブッ飛ばしていく姿が無性にカッコ良い。NIGOが泥臭さやイナタさも込みで再構築した架空の80年代は、カセットテープがお洒落アイテムじゃなかった時代のような無邪気で軽やかなフィーリングに溢れている。これは斜に構えず向き合いたい楽しさ!


[English Translation]
Formed around two ex BiS members First Summer Uika and Nozomi Hirano, Billie Idle® invites their manager Junnosuke Watanabe and A Bathing Ape boss NIGO as co-producers. The band’s name is a punning sign of not being an idol. Based around a concept of neo '80s, the four piece band put out their third album after taking in a new replacement. Sound designer Kevin Marks remains in charge, making for exceptional tracks. Have a listen to opening "Nakisou Sunday (meaning Tearful Sunday)," whose razor-sharp lyrics are written by Momo Momose. Its driving momentum offers a captivating moment. The past releases set a bar high with the band’s straightforward approach influenced by punk, neo-rockabilly and new wave. The latest gains hard rock elements and an Ann Lewis-esque singing quality, the members channelling them into compelling songs where they unleash their wildness. NIGO recreates a fictional '80s world even inclusive of crudeness and vulgarity of the time, shot through with a playful, light charm that could have referred to an era before cassette tapes became retrospective fashionable items. This album offers a joy that needs feeling with no cynicism.