thirdiqとの共演で気にかかって以降、佳作『Soulflower』(2008年)を皮切りにコンスタントなリリースを重ねていたHanaH。近年は自作よりも客演のほうがいい感じだったりもして複雑な印象を抱いていたのですが、名義を改めて届けられたこのニュー・アルバムの何と素晴らしいこと! 幕開けを晴れ晴れと飾るジャジーなサンバ“終わりのないリズム”の軽やかさがアルバム全体の優美な手触りを約束してくれます。吉田サトシとの共作を中心にKan Sanoや黒田卓也もアレンジや演奏に尽力。ミニー・リパートン(大袈裟じゃなく!)のように麗しい“IN THE SUN”は何とリオン・ウェアから書き贈られた逸曲だったり、トニーズを引用したMUROの鬼メロウな仕事があったり……書ききれないほど隅々まで最高な大傑作です。

[English Translation]
Ever since sharing the stage with thirdiq, the solo project of Japanese producer and guitar player Yukihiro Atsumi, Hanah H has been releasing works on a constant basis, starting with Soulflower in 2008. Her guest appearances receiving more acclaim rather than her own performances may somewhat have given complicated impressions, but nevertheless, this new album under her renewed name is absolutely fantastic! The lightness of the jazzy samba tune, “Owarino Nai Rhythm” (meaning The Never-ending Rhythm) that marks the beginning of the album holds the key to the graceful texture of the whole album. The album consists mainly of co-works with guitarist Satoshi Yoshida while also welcoming the arrangements or performances by pianist / producer Kan Sano or Brooklyn-based trumpeter / composer Takuya Kuroda. The beautifully sung, Minnie Riperton-like (no exaggeration!) “In the Sun” is actually a gift written by THAT Leon Ware, and Japanese heavyweight hip hop artist Muro gives a helping hand with a super mellow track that quotes Tony! Toni! Toné!... The list of highlights of this tour de force is truly endless.