エレクトロニコアな“ENDER ENDER”から女性コーラスをフィーチャーしたファンキーな“369-ミロク-”まで、幅広い楽曲群をまとめ上げるのは流石の一言。なかでも本作は、〈40年前は傘がなかった〉という“JAPANESE”の歌詞から連想される通り、バンドに深く影響を与えているフォーク色が印象的だ。ラストのストリングスを従えたバラード“死んでほしい人”は、初期から彼らを追っているリスナーの感想が気になるところ。

[English Translation]
From the electronicore "ENDER ENDER" to female-chorus-featured funky "369 - miroku -", the mastership of pulling together the widespread variety of songs is something so easily expected of this Japanese rock four-piece, MUCC. This album in particular, leaves an effective impression of a folk taste that has always had a strong impact on the band, as is associable from the lyrics in "JAPANESE" put down as 'there were "no umbrellas" 40 years ago' (referring to the famous song "Kasa ga nai (No Umbrella)" by big-name singer/folk musician Yosui Inoue released in 1972). It would be interesting to hear the impressions of the ending ballad with impressive strings, "Shinde Hoshii Hito (meaning The People I Wish Were Dead)" from their early fans.