本作のジャケット・イラストを手掛けた秋赤音への楽曲提供でも知られるボカロPが待望のアルバム・デビュー! 元々バンド活動をしていたこともあってか、ゴリゴリとしたギターに手数の多いドラムが炸裂するハード・ロック~メタル系のアレンジが多く、情念的で歌謡チックなメロディーと相まって9mmを思い出す瞬間も。ただ、CM曲で話題となったまらしぃが適所でリリカルなピアノを響かせており、全体の色味は鮮やかだ。


[English Translation]
Yairi’s Exchange Variation
Known for his former songwritings for the outstanding singer / illustrator Aki Akane who in turn managed the CD jacket illustration for this time, the renowned Vocaloid Producer Yairi’s releases his long-awaited debut album! Clearly reflecting his past band activities, the tunes incorporate a large share of exploding hard rock to metal arrangements embellishing with his intensely blasting guitar beats, superfast drummings and deeply emotional ‘kayokyoku (sometimes described as ‘Showa era / mid 70-80s pop’, a form of standard Japanese pop)’ melodies that momentarily remind me of the emo band 9mm Parabellum Bullet as well. Meanwhile thanks to the recent car CM famed brilliant piano player Marasy, the album nicely features his lyrical piano sound that brightens up the whole piece in a pleasant way.