〈ワム!のゴーストライターは日本人だった!?〉というテーマで小説家デビューを果たした西寺郷太を擁するノーナが、好評の洋楽カヴァー・シリーズ最新作で取り上げたのは……全部ワム!(とワム!がカヴァーした曲)。完全になりきった“Wham Rap!”やミラーボール感を増した“Bad Boys”、ジョージ・マイケルの色っぽさに真っ向から挑んだ“Everything She Wants”など愛に溢れた熱演で、もちろん、ノリは上々!


[English Translation]
‘Wham!'s ghostwriter was actually a Japanese!?’ That’s the theme of Gota Nishidera’s first novel. Having him as the vocalist, Nona Reeves released the latest work of their foreign music cover series. The tracks are... entirely Wham! (and tunes Wham! covered.) The band got into Wham! in “Wham Rap!”and added ‘the mirror ball atmosphere’ in “Bad Boys.” They also challenged George Michael’s seductiveness in “Everything She Wants.” Their enthusiastic performance undoubtedly makes us groove.