2015年1月のライヴをもって活動を終える昆虫キッズ。本作はきっとファンへの感謝の思いを形にした緊急リリースなのだろう。と言ってもファイナル公演に〈元気にさようなら〉と冠する彼ららしく、もちろんおセンチになんてならない。その美学が貫かれた儚く淡いノスタルジーと、シャープなアンサンブル……いつも通りの歪でポップな楽曲が並ぶ。そんななか、“Miss Heart”は詞も音も声色もいつもより優しいような。


[English Translation]
The Insect Kids – Topia

Just completed the final performance in Jan 2015, distinguished alternative rock band The Insect Kids’ last release on a short notice.  Apparently thanking avid fans for their support throughout the years while as the tagline for the last show ‘Genki ni Sayonara (meaning Cheerfully Goodbye)’indicated, the mini-album came with no mushy something at all, exactly as expected.  Carrying both delicately-toned nostalgia and sharp ensemble based on their signature aesthetics, the piece features nicely twisted pop tunes as usual.  Amongst the 4 tracks although the lyrics, sound and vocals in “Miss Heart” appear a bit sweeter than usual, at least to me.