POPGROUPからのデビュー作に続く約4年ぶりの2作目は術ノ穴から。みずからを奮い立たせるかのようにがむしゃらなラップでギアチェンジなくアルバムに臨む姿は、スマートなラップが席巻する昨今にあってド直球にエモーショナル。そのマイクがニセモノに牙を剥く“KICK OUT THE JAMS”と共に、折れそうな日々を越え、一人ここに立つ姿を叫ぶ“KING”が、ひときわ熱くその身上を訴えかけてくる。

[English Translation]
After 4 years from his debut release from the indies label POPGROUP RECORDINGS, KMC (DJ, MC, and track maker, pronounced Kemushi) has moved to Sube no Ana label to release his 2nd album. His intense devotion to the album is seen in the self-inspiring hell-bent rapping that allows no change of gears, and in these days where 'smart' rapping seems to be dominating the scene, this kind of attitude appeals directly and emotionally to the listeners. Especially, tracks such as "KICK OUT THE JAMS" that takes the mic to ferociously defy any bastard mockeries, or "KING" that sings out a portrait of a man who has risen to his feet after coming through ordeals of miseries, overlaps with the artist's own personal state, passionately appealing to the listeners' hearts.