青葉市子とのNUUAMMやソロ作で〈うた〉と向き合ってきたGEZANのヴォーカルが、今度はラップに挑戦! ネバネバしたフロウと奇矯な発声で己の世界にズルズルと引き込むスタイルは、3曲で客演するKILLER-BONGにも匹敵するアクの強さ。その彼を中心にGuruConnectskillkills)やWATTERらが叩き出すサイケなビートの効果もあり、悪酔いしそうなほどに強烈な内容だ。〈声〉の表現者として超一流であることを再確認。

[English Translation]
peepow a.k.a Mahi to the People  "delete cipy"

In the recent years, the vocalist of rock band GEZAN has been focused on singing for his solo works and also on the unit NUUAMM with Ichiko Aoba the singer-songwriter, but this time he tackles rap! The music style he possesses is as tenacious as that of KILLER-BONG, the hip hop beatmaker who made guest appearances on three tracks of the album. The sticky flow of his tracks along with his eccentric enunciation will draw you into his world. With him and other supporting artists like GuruConnect from skillkills the alternative rock band and WATTER the beatmaker who both kills it with their psychedelic beat, "delete cipy" is intense enough to make you hungover. An album that reassures the grade-A voice of Mahito.