近年、精力的に新人を発掘しているPROGRESSIVE FOrMから、また新たな才能がデビュー。独自の耽美的な世界観を叙情的なメロディーと緻密なビートで構築し、“There Is No That”や“Timeline”ではヴォイス・サンプルを効果的に配すなど、全編で色とりどりに表情を変えるプロデュース・ワークはビート・ミュージック/エレクトロニカという枠を飛び越え、ポップ・ミュージックとしても秀逸。


[English Translation]
Recent years have seen PROGRESSIVE FOrM vigorously discovering newcomers, and the Japanese label has now brought another talent to light. FUUK marks his debut on the imprint with “NATURAL ROLLER COASTER,” establishing his distinctive aesthetic with lyrical melodies and carefully-wrought beats. On “There Is No That” and “Timeline,” the Tokyo-based producer demonstrates his knack for effective voice sample programming. His prismatic creativity throughout the album goes well beyond the confines of beat music and electronica, exuding a top-notch pop sensibility.