人を喰ったような従来の〈らしさ〉にメジャー・デビューによる(?)バブリー感が加わったジャケにも、冒頭から黒川絢太のベースが唸るリード曲“CGギャル”のアグレッシヴなアレンジにもワクワク! 5人のバンド・アンサンブルはグッと固まり、ヴォーカル・理姫のブッ飛んだ哀愁世界との噛み合わせがさらに良くなった。チームしゃちほこ咲良菜緒への提供作“ベイビーミソカツ”のセルフ・カヴァーも収めたミニ・アルバム。

[English Translation]


AKASICK’s new album is full of excitement, starting with the album cover that mixes their rebellious attitude with nouveau riche-ness that supposedly comes from making a major label debut, all the way to the aggressive arrangements in the lead track, “CG Gal” elevated with Kenta Kurokawa’s roaring bass! The band ensemble by five members seems to have become more solid, which mixes even better with the vocalist Rihime’s outta-this-world sentiment. The self-restoration of “Baby Miso Katsu (meaning Baby Miso Cutlet),” a track they originally wrote for Nao Sakura of the idol group Team Syachihoko, is also recorded on this mini-album.