1年ぶりとなった16作目。ジェリー・ウォレス〈マンダム~男の世界〉に通ずる“開拓者”などパワフルでありながら安定感抜群でスイスイ進んでいくCKBがうんと楽しめるファンキー&グルーヴィー特集の本作。スロウ系も大充実で、スウィートなコーラス入りのソウル・バラード“Japanese Night”に辿り着く頃にはもうすっかり骨抜きに。超ハートフルな一家団欒ソング“パパの子守唄”は夏の終わりにこそ相応しい。

[English Translation]
CRAZY KEN BAND  “Mo Sukkari Arenandayone (meaning I'm Already Like, You Know?)”

Following the previous release about a year ago, CRAZY KEN BAND/CKB (led by acclaimed `singing melody maker’ Ken Yokoyama, the 10+ unit is sometimes referred to as`#1 sound machine in the East’) pleasantly delivers their 16th original album. Fully and nicely featuring CKB’s signature funky and groovy sound, powerful and fully stable tunes smoothly runs from the beginning, including the Jerry Wallace-inspired (his “Lovers Of The World” was renamed as “Mandom ~Otoko no Sekai” and used in a famous Japanese TV commercial for men’s skin care products in the early 70’s) track#2 “Kaitakusha (meaning Pioneer)”. The latest carries plenty of great slow tunes that will make you totally intoxicated by the time the sweet chorus-filled soul ballad “Japanese Night” gently appears. Do also enjoy the super heartwarming family song “Papa no Komoriuta (meaning Dad’s Lullaby) which is utterly perfect for the end of summer.