O.N.Oの別名義によるテクノ・プロジェクトの2作目は、冒頭から息つく暇もないほど浴びせられる重量級のミニマル・ビートにトバされること必至! 轟音ノイズとドラッギーなシンセが空間を切り裂く“configg”、歪み捻じれるグルーヴに狂気すら感じるアシッド曲“glimmer”など、ビートを変幻自在に操り、凄まじい音圧で放つこの妙技はまさに鳥肌モノ! 自身の楽曲をライヴ・ミックスしたDisc-2も併せて爆音でキメるべき!


[English Translation]
Under his techno project name onomono, O.N.O (of Tha Blue Herb/Sapporo-based alternative hip hop trio known for its highly acclaimed, uncomparable originality) has dropped the 2nd album in a double-CD (Disc-1&2) format. Bearing almost-overflowing, super heavy minimal beats, the piece will absolutely blow your mind and constantly take your breath away! Incorporating 10 tracks including “configg” with the space-slashing roaring noise and druggy synth or the insanity-driven acid number “glimmer” of which the groove is totally distorted and twisted, Disc-1 shows off his miraculous technique of freely and effortlessly controlling the beats and unleashing them in  massive sound pressure, that might give you goose bumps! Do turn up the volume to MAX and enjoy the other/Disc-2 (live mix of his own various tunes) in full as well!

※ Click here to listen

O.N.Oの2014年作『Ougenblick』収録曲“Frame Stack”