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・ストリーミング:27% (2013年の21%から増加)



1. 透明性の欠如


2. 所有権


3. 優位性

配信と露出の面で太刀打ちできることもあって、インディー・レーベルはデジタルの業界を好む傾向がある。しかし、業界の全員が全員〈条件を公平にする〉ことを喜んでいるわけではない。ユニバーサル ミュージックやワーナーミュージック、日本のavexグループやジャニーズ事務所のようなメジャー企業は、総合的に影響力が強いということも手伝って、特定の優位性をすでに獲得している。メジャー・レーベルは膨大なカタログを持ち、宣伝やプロモーションに予算をかけ、ヒット曲を生み出してきた確かな歴史があるので、メディアや広告、小売の業界において特別な扱いを要求することが可能だ。

例えば、もしジャニーズが新人アーティストを売り出すなら、デビュー・シングルからTVの露出、CMタイアップ、小売店でのラック展開が決定するだろう。データベースに新人アーティストを登録してもらうだけで、小売のほうに影響が出てくるというアプローチは、まずもって何の効力も持たない。また、ジャニーズ、avex、ソニーなどの日本の主要な企業は、単に音楽を売っているだけではなく、多数の業界を通してさまざまなところで結び付いており、そのどの業界においても多大な影響力を持っている。また、強力なストリーミング/ダウンロード企業であるSpotify(スウェーデン)やDeezer(フランス)、Pandora(US)や iTunes(US)などはほとんどが外資系企業であり、それらに対して日本企業はさほど影響力を持っていない。



最近では、メジャー・レーベルがカタログ(自社の管理楽曲)の使用許諾を取りたがる企業に対して求めるのは、次の2点――相当額の前払い金とライセンス権利の一部所有だ。全体的に見ると、レーベルとデジタル配信企業にとっては公平な取引に見える。しかし、アーティストにとってはどうだろう? レーベルは何百万ドルもの前払いを受けているかもしれないが、その支払いはカタログ全体に対するものなので、レーベルはその部分の収入をアーティストに分配する必要があるとは考えない。


5. アーティストへのロイヤリティー(使用料)






テイラー・スウィフトの2014年作『1989』収録曲“Blank Space”


6. いちかばちか


Napsterが日本で成功しなかった大きな理由の一つは、ソニーが楽曲使用を認めなかったからだ。いまやメジャー・レーベルはソニーとワーナー、ユニバーサルの3社のみだが、デジタル・プラットフォーム(サーヴィス)としてはこれら3社にはぜひ生き残ってほしいところだ。日本ではいわゆる〈日本のメジャー・レーベル〉であるavex、ビクター、トイズファクトリーも関係してくる。時にレーベルは、〈所属アーティストがいま儲けるにはどうすればいいのか? VS会社が長期的に健康であるためにはどうすればいいのか?〉というジレンマに陥る。そして、その2つは必ずしも同じ方向ではないものなのだ。

7. 所有



8. インターフェイス






Is there a bright future for music streaming in Japan?
A quick observation by Keith on the powers and issues in the music industry

Japan resides in a different world than the United States in regards to the music business. In the States, CD sales have dropped dramatically, chain record shops have been largely wiped out, and music revenue is primarily from digital sources. Yet Japan remains at 78% physical sales, the highest percentage of any major market. The Japanese music industry has in fact largely tried to hold back digital, and has done a remarkable job of doing it. While iTunes is a major force in music worldwide, in Japan it has been held to a niche market. And amongst music experts now, many consider it a given that music streaming will surpass downloading in the foreseeable future. Take a look at America music income statistics-

Downloads 37% (down from 40% in 2013)
Physical 32% (down from 35% in 2013)
Streaming 27% (up from 21% in 2013)
Other 4%

There are numerous benefits from digital sales and music streaming, the biggest being improved distribution. Thru digital distribution an artist can reach nearly the entire world via their computer and the now nearly ubiquitous cell phone, gather impulse purchases, link to digital media, and get paid relatively soon after sales. If they they so desire, artists can do so without signing to a record label, and thus keep a larger portion of revenue for themselves, although they also take on the burden of various important tasks labels might handle otherwise.

So while many are forecasting that music streaming is the future, Japan has yet to embrace this format. While certainly digital offers convenience to the customer, what does it mean for the music industry?

1. lack of transparency

The major music streaming companies such as Spotify and YouTube operate in a murky atmosphere, where revenue figures are often obscured, and deals are made behind closed doors. While digital offers a “level playing field” in regards to distribution, the way income is split amongst players remains nebulous, and in many cases big companies get better deals than indies. What, when and how streaming companies pay major labels is not clear, and the labels are not in a hurry to explain it to artists.

2. ownership

iTunes has been successful in part because they are an “agnostic” retailer. That is to say they have no “god”, all music is created equal. What they care about most is how their customers react to music. In Japan, Sony has desperately tried to control the digital music market. The problem, naturally, is that any other music rights holder fully expects that Sony would favor Sony artists over their own, making signing up with a Sony owned media somewhere between less than ideal and a showstopper, depending on one’s point of view.

3. advantage

While indie music labels tend to like the digital world, where they can compete more easily in regards to distribution and visibility, not everybody wants a “level playing field”. Major companies such as Universal, and Warner; and Avex and Johnny’s in Japan, have earned certain advantages because of their overall clout. Given that majors have vast catalogs, spend money on advertising and promotion, and have solid histories of making hits, they can demand special attention in the media, the advertising world, and in retail. If Johnny’s has a new artist, they very well may have TV coverage, a CM tie-up, and placement in retail end racks from their debut single.The idea that the retail aspect will change to make that artist something closer to a listing in a database is not nearly as appealing.

Also major Japanese players like Johnny’s, Avex and Sony are not just selling music, they have ties all thru a multitude of industries, and they have leverage in all of them. Most the significant streaming and download companies are foreign owned- Spotify (Sweden), Deezer (France), Pandora (USA) and iTunes (USA), and Japanese companies have less leverage with these companies

4. your music vs. our company

A major concern for all in the industry, naturally, is how they are getting paid. For the major labels, they would like to earn at rates similar to what they have historically, or improve their position if possible. In early digital years the record labels did not manage very well. They made licensing agreements, or saw their music pirated. When they made licensing agreements, they often saw start-up companies fail, sometimes with outstanding balances owed to the record companies. Or they saw digital companies show potential, and sell for large amounts, making the owners of the digital company founders rich, largely on the back of the labels and the artists they represent.

So in more recent times, the major labels usually want two things from companies that want to license their catalogs- a substantial advance payment and partial ownership of the licensee. This might seem fair, all things considered, for the label/ digital distributor axis, but what about for the artists? The label may received millions of dollars in advance payments, but since the payment is for the overall catalog, the labels do not feel in necessary to share this income with the artists.

And the major labels own part of Spotify. How much they own is a closely guarded secret, but numerous sources say the majors own about 20% of Spotify. And the recent round of investment values Spotify at $8.53 BILLION. So let’s take a look at that. If Goldman Sachs, also a major investor in Spotify, managed to find a buyer at that valuation (insiders say they are targeting $10 billion), a one percent ownership position would be worth $85,300,000. Or expressed another way, the major labels might be in a position to pocket a total of $2 BILLION on a $10 billion valuation, and it is expected they will pocket all of it and share zero with artists.

5. artist royalties

Many artists are unhappy with the income they receive from streaming services. How much artists get paid by streaming services is a complicated question, and it seems Spotify and the like would like to keep it that way.

Here are a few of the factors- every country has different laws dictating royalties and taxes, if an artist is signed to a label the income goes to the label and is subject to the label- artist agreement (and if older contracts digital may or may not be covered clearly), Spotify and YouTube make a lot of money from advertising in between and during while music is playing, Spotify has both free and paid subscriptions (and YouTube is said to be working on a “premium” platform), Spotify operates one way and their rivals such as YouTube, Pandora and SiriusXM slightly different and all use their own obtuse formulas, each system is operated and monitored by computers who calculate how many times a track was played and whether it was partially or fully played and be on the lookout for “gaming” of the systems in place. Also some systems pay higher to top played tracks, cast out calculations for artists with very low use, and have some discretion over so called “black box” income.

And there are loopholes, and for example Pandora is not paying royalties on music recorded before Feb. 15, 1972, and they are being taken to court for it. So nobody can give you a clear answer to how much one might get paid for a million plays on Spotify, but one research came up with that on average an artist might expect $5,120 for a million streams.

Here is what we do know clearly, artists are making far less from streaming than they made in the CD era, and Daniel Ek (Spotify founder) and Tim Westgren (Pandora founder) are millionaires many times over. And meanwhile Westgren is actively lobbying and lawyering towards paying lower royalties to artists. A number of major artists such as Taylor Swift, Thom Yorke, Adele and Coldplay are keeping their music off of Spotify and/or other services.

6. all or nothing

Part of the beauty of streaming is that it is convenient for users You don’t need to dig thru record stores finding each and every song, or take up space in your dwelling, or physically search thru your collection to find the song you are looking for. On iTunes and YouTube nearly anything you might want is there. This is the level of convenience expected from digital devices. However if just a handful of major artists or a single major label decides not to cooperate, it can result in high customer dissatisfaction.

Napster failed in Japan largely because Sony refused to make their music available. There are only three major record labels now- Sony, Warner and Universal, and so any digital platform pretty much has to have all three to survive. In Japan “Japanese majors” such as Avex, Victor and Toy’s Factory also come into play. And sometimes the labels are faced with the dilemma of -what is good for making money for our artists now vs. what is good for the long-time health of our company, and they are not always the same path.

7. ownership

Some music fans like to own their music. CD’s and vinyl have artwork, artist and songwriter and side player credits & liner notes (sometimes with lyrics). CD’s still exist even if your computer fails, is lost or stolen. For deep music maniacs they may have out-of-print recordings, stuff not available on digital platforms, bootlegs, demos, material available free on-line and other rare but treasured items. iTunes and some other services make room to integrate your private collection with their offering, but Spotify does not.

8. interface

On-line users can be lazy and easily distracted, they demand convenience. Anybody with a digital offering needs to be user friendly. Many people think that Sony’s digital offerings have failed to a significant degree because the interfaces were so awkward and clunky. While Apple has a reputation for offering brilliant interfaces, many have found their recently launched music streaming service both hard to find and difficult to use. Spotify’s interface is pretty near idiot-proof.

There are some aspects of it I don’t care for, but I like being able to see what friends are playing. But for some this might be seen as an invasion of privacy, and indeed some dislike that what music they play is being tracked and used to target them with advertising.

So far the Japanese music industry has managed to protect their physical business, but for many customers the convenience of portability and power of having a vast selection in their pocket outweighs the benefits of owning a CD. At the same time record labels are fighting to survive and maintain healthy businesses, and artists have legitimate concerns that they are getting abused by the new digital distribution systems. The challenge for music streaming is to find a way that makes artists, copyright holders and music consumers all happy.