
[English Translation]
CittY’s Ryusenkei '14 (meaning Streamline '14)"

The 2nd mini-album from the 3 male 1 female mixed foursome, CittY. The band sound can be easily imagined even without listening to it, with the title of this album or band name indicating the obvious inspiration gained from the album of Yumi Matsutoya (big name of Japanese folk / new music / pop), Ryusenkei '80. Based on the theme ‘summer'’ the arrangements thoroughly reflecting the present-day model while at the same time adhering to the big city themed pop of the 70-80s gives a wonderful shine to the piece. The crisp freshness of “Watashi no Natsuyasumi (meaning My Summer Vacation)” is absolutely outstanding, pleasantly decorated with Motown-taste rhythms and vocalist Gumi's cooling voice!  

bounce 2014 August


〈常夏系バンド〉が全国デビューを飾ったミニ・アルバム。シティー・ポップへの敬意と憧憬を前面に出し、明快なモータウン・ポップ“わたしのなつやすみ”など、ある種の定番ノリも衒いなく表現する様子が眩しく楽しい好盤であります。初作『VACATION IS NOT OVER!』と併せて堪能したいフォルムの美しさ!