大阪発の〈クンビア忍者軍団〉による新作。アフロにキューバン、ラテン、歌謡曲も注入した浪花節&哀愁炸裂のサウンドと、人生の悲喜こもごもを綴った歌詞に定評のある彼らだが、今作はより艶めかしさに拍車が掛かった仕上がりに。咽び泣くようなトロンボーン、情熱的なギター、時に朗らかに歌い上げ、時に声高く語りかけるヴォーカルは力強く、ストレートに心を掴む。特に希望と祝祭感に満ちた“BEAUTIFUL LION”が白眉!

[English Translation]
ROJO REGALO, a cumbia ninja collective from Osaka, make a return with their new album. They have carved out a solid reputation for their lyrics expressing bittersweetness in life and traditional bluesy tearjerkers injected with various elements of afro, cuban, latin and Japanese Showa-era pop music, though this latest turns out to be more sultry. With the wail of trombone, passionate guitar licks and vocals cheerful at times and warbling at other, its strong and direct style wins the hearts of the nation. The hopeful, festive “Beautiful Lion” is a notch above the pack.