tofubeatsやCarpainterからリミキサーに抜擢されたこともある期待の新星が、テン年代ネット系トラックメイカーらしいムードを感じさせる初のフィジカル作品をリリース! ヴォーカルのカットアップによって作り出されるダンス・トラックに、懐かしめのシンセ・サウンドからヒップホップのエッセンスまでを落とし込んじゃう、現代的なポップセンスを十分に発揮。スカイラー・スペンス好きなら即KOです!


[English Translation]
Known for his notable remix stints specifically appointed by those renowned DJs such as tofubeats or Carpainter, the super-rising new star hereby releases his very 1st physical work that nicely depicts his own self as a beatmaker of an online generation of the 2010s. Tactfully incorporating elements varying from retro synth-sounds to an essence of hip hop, these vocal cutup-originated dance tracks fully demonstrate his outstandingly modern pop-ness. If you like Skylar Spence, this will instantly knock you out!