ライヴでは相変わらず〈ロックンロール!〉が合言葉だが、新作ではより幅広く伝統的なポップスの要素も取り込んでさらに進化。長岡亮介ペトロールズ)プロデュースの先行曲“SUNSHINE”はカントリー、TAXMANが歌う“RAINY DAY”は60sガール・ポップ、“POPULAR GIRL”はモータウンなクリスマス・ソングと、グッド・メロディーのズラリと並ぶ中盤が出色。〈現代のオールディーズ〉とはこういうことじゃないか。


[English Translation]
While rock 'n' roll remains the dominant theme in their live shows, Japanese rock band THE BAWDIES have further evolved their sound by incorporating a wider range of traditional pop elements into their new album. "NEW" boasts its mid section with a splendid array of good melodies: "SUNSHINE," a country lead single produced by Ryosuke Nagaoka of Japanese three-piece band PETROLZ; "RAINY DAY," a ‘60s girl pop featuring TAXMAN vocals; and the Motown Christmas song of "POPULAR GIRL." This is a perfect example of what ‘the oldies of our time' are all about.