HAPPY BIRTHDAYのヴォーカル&ギター、坂口喜咲がソロ活動を始動。恋する女子のリアルな感情をさらけ出す、バンド時代のガーリーなロック・スタイルは今作でも代わらず。だが、90年代のJ-Popマナーを思わせるソウル・ポップ“DO-SHE-YOU”や、ブッ飛んだ歌詞とオリエンタル風味の歌謡ポップを絶妙に交配した“ミーはでくのぼう”あたりで体感できる、打ち込みを多用したサウンドが特に新鮮だ。この路線もイイ!

[English Translation]
Kisa Sakaguchi 
"Asa ga Kowaretemo Aishiteru (meaning Love You Even If the Morning is Broken)"

The ex-vocalist/guitarist of the girl band HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kisa Sakaguchi has started her solo work. The girly rock style from her band era revealing real emotions of girls in love is fully intact. However, as in the soul-pop track, “DO-SHE-YOU” that comes across with 90’s J-pop elements, or the track, “ME wa Dekunobo (meaning I’m a Dummy)” that perfectly crosses over-the-top lyrics with oriental-flavoured Kayo (Showa era) pop, the sounds using much in the way of programming will come about as a breath of fresh air to the listener. What a great new approach!