活動10周年目を迎える和製ブラジリアン・ジャズ・バンド、3年ぶりのニュー・アルバムがPlaywrightより到着。ラキムの同名曲から声ネタを引用したオープニングの“It's been a long time”をはじめ、従来通りのクロスオーヴァーなボッサ・マナーをベースに、ヒップホップやR&Bの要素もふんだんに採り入れた快作となっている。熱いパッションを感じさせながらも後味はさらり。完熟の果実を思わせる秋の必聴盤!


[English Translation]
The Japan-made Brazilian jazz band, which is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its career, has released the first new album in 3 years from the label, Playwright. Including the opener "It's been a long time" that borrows vocal samples from Rakim's homonymous song, this great album, based on their characteristic crossover bossa, generously incorporates hip hop and R&B elements. Despite the burning passion, it finishes with a dry, light aftertaste. A must for autumn, just like a fully ripened fruit!