フロアを激しくかき回すラウドな“RiOT”(この曲の歌詞、お偉い方々へ本当に届いてほしい)で口火を切る全6曲。彼らが掲げている〈レゲエパンク〉のレゲエの部分を色濃くフィーチャーした“Slim Thing”や、スカな“GUNSHOTS”では原点回帰を、スケール感のある“Teardrops”では、バンドのネクストや可能性を感じさせてくれる。結成10周年。過去と未来を繋ぐいまをしっかりと閉じ込めた作品だ。

[English Translation]
This mini album fires the opening shot with the loud song "RiOT" that extremely stirs the floor (I really wish the lyrics could reach the higher-ups,) and includes six tracks: "Slim Thing" markedly features their specialty of 'reggae' part in their 'reggae punk' music, the ska tune "GUNSHOTS" shows their comeback to the starting point, and a large-scare atmosphere song "Teardrops" lets us feel the band's next and potential.  This year marks their 10th anniversary of formation.  The work surely contains the band's 'now' which connects their past and future.