「ロック・オペラ」の歴史は深い。The Who『四重人格』やPink Floyd『ザ・ウォール』等、ストーリーと劇的な展開を持つ、いわゆる“コンセプト・アルバム”の隆盛にはじまり、そしてそれは舞台芸術と融合しミュージカルへと発展していった。本作はそんな「ロック・オペラ」の偉大なる歴史に挑戦した意欲作だ。言わずと知れた音楽界の異端児ROLLY芳垣安洋率いるオルケスタ・リブレが新たに彩る名作のカヴァー。ミュージカル『キャバレー』に始まり、ロック・オペラの金字塔The Who『トミー』を経て繰り広げられる絢爛豪華な音楽群。この傑作はロックの無限大の可能性を示す道標となるだろう。


[English Translation]
Rock opera has a profound history. It was first marked by the prosperity of so-called concept albums ―ones with narrative quality and theatrical song structures such as The Who's "Quadrophenia" or Pink Floyd's "The Wall"― before it merged with performing arts and developed into musicals. "ROCK OPERA!" is an ambitious album that challenges the great legacy of the style.  It features covers of gems re-depicted by well-liked musical maverick ROLLY (musician, producer and member of disbanded rock band Scanch) and Yoshigaki Yasuhiro's ORQUESTA LIBRE (cross-genre big band /‘mini-orchestra’). Starting from musical piece "Cabaret" through the rock opera landmark, The Who's "Tommy", all the way up to the end, it offers a splendid array of music. This masterpiece is a future signpost to the infinite possibilities of rock music.

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