〈僕が旅に出る理由はだいたい百個くらい〉という歌もあるが、この3人が旅に出る理由は全国各地のライヴハウスやパーティーに愛の歌を届けるため。前作『街十色』時のツアーでは自身のブッキングで101か所を回り、その後サポートを務めていたドラマーの紺野清志が正式加入して、3ピースに生まれ変わった新生KONCOS。その新作は、ブルーアイド・ソウルの名曲をパンクとネオアコの中間のテイストで鳴らしたような(テンションはかなりパンク寄り)“Magic Hour”をはじめ、ライヴの空間をそのまま盤に落とし込んだ曲が並ぶ、性急で陽性なアルバムだ。〈踊らせよう〉じゃなくて、〈踊らずにはいられない〉という雰囲気がとにかく最高で、華やかなホーン、パーカッシヴなリズム、分厚いコーラスワーク、インタールードから感じられるヒップホップへの愛情など、どこを取っても彼らの魅力がキラキラと輝いている。KiliKiliVillaSECOND ROYAL周辺の新世代パンク・バンドたちとも、確かにムードを共有していると言えよう。


[English Translation]
While there is a song that goes, 'There are about 100 reasons for me to travel,' (a famous line from a song by rock band Quruli,) the reason for this trio to travel is to deliver love songs to audiences at live music clubs or parties all over the country. During the tour for the last album "Machi Toiro" they played at 101 venues booked by themselves. KONCOS became a 3-piece when the supporting drummer Kiyoshi Konno later officially joined the band. Their hasty and light-hearted new album features tracks that capture the atmosphere of their live shows, including "Magic Hour," an excellent Blue-Eyed Soul piece that sounds like a middle ground between punk and neo-acoustic music (though, the spirit leans more toward punk). With its marvelous atmosphere of [bringing you to dance], instead of [making you dance], the album shows their brilliant charms in every part of it, such as in glamourous horns, percussive rhythms, thick chorus works and their love for hip hop felt in the interludes. They definitely share the same moods with next generation punk bands from KiliKiliVilla or SECOND ROYAL Records.