hanaliが昨年『ROCK MUSIC』をリリースする前後にワッと脚光を浴びたゴルジェ。岩を洗うような荒波の満ち引きを経て、ふたたびTerminal Explosionからその最新型を提示するコンピの登場であります。hanaliやレーベル首謀者のAxHiBiKi MaMeShiBaといった顔役たちは岩ずもがな、nonSectRadicalsらもラインナップに加えてハード・ヒットな衝撃は倍増!! 大マジメな解説書も読み応えがありますよ。

[English Translation]
Gorge –the new electronic music genre created, supposedly, from the inspirations brought by (the settings of) rock climbing in the Himalayan Mountains, gathered sudden attention just around the time hanali, the 'Beats&Climbing Unit' formed by Toki Takumi released their album "ROCK MUSIC" last year. Following the ebb and flow of the rock-washing heavy waves after the release, the unit has yet again delivered a new piece from their Kyoto-based break sound label Terminal Explosion, -this time, a compilation album presenting the most cutting edge form of their music. Without even having to mention the veterans such as hanali, the mastermind of the label Ax, HiBiKi, or MaMeShiBa, the hard-hitting impact is fantastically doubled with the addition of the DJ duo nonSectRadicals to the members' lineup!! The dead-seriously written commentaries are great rewarding reads.