『FLEHMEN』に続いて2年半ぶりに届いた巻き毛のキリンからの新たな便りがすごく泣ける内容で。気心の知れた鍵盤奏者、堀江博久を迎えて制作した6作目は、メロウなエレピの響きが夢見心地度満点なフォーキー曲“The Two of Us”や乾草の匂いがするカントリー“Women Are Heroes”など、意識をうんと遠くへと運んでくれる想像喚起力の高い楽曲揃いとなった。生まれながらにしてエヴァーグリーンな輝きを放つ傑作。

[English Translation]
The new delivery from 'the giraffe with curly hair', the solo project by Kiyoshi Takakuwa (former member of the 3 piece- rock band, GREAT3), after 2.5 years from his previous release "FLEHMEN", turns out to be a piece given incredible tear-jerker depth. This 6th release welcoming buddy keyboardist (and current member of the rock band, the HIATUS,) Hirohisa Horie, proudly lines up a range of highly imagination-evoking tracks that takes the listeners' consciousness to a place far, far away, such as the folky tune "The Two of Us" made perfectly dreamy with the mellow tone of the electric piano, or the country-styled "Woman Are Heroes" which allows you to inhale the beautiful smell of freshly gathered hay. A wonderful topper with natural-born everygreen splendour.