初のフル・アルバムから約半年で早くも新作が登場。もともとは〈容赦ないE.P.〉というタイトル案もあったそうで、まさに手加減一切なし、3ピースの旨みをギュッと凝縮したような5曲入りに仕上がっている。パンキッシュに疾走する表題曲から、ナック“My Sharona”のリズムを引用したロック・チューン、シンセを用いた似非チャイニーズ・ファンクまで、いまのバンドの興味をそのまま詰め込んだ、等身大の作品だと言えよう。

[English Translation]

Contemporary na Seikatsu  "Husky Girl""

Contemporary na Seikatsu (meaning contemporary life/lifestyle) made a new release just six months after its first full album. “Relentless EP” was another title idea proposed, and that actually fits this collection of ruthlessly intensive songs. It comprises of five songs allowing you to indulge yourself in the world of this power trio. Along with the title track with the sprinting punkish groove from the beginning to the end, the EP contains a rock tune which borrows the rhythm of “My Sharona” by The Knack, and a fake-Chinese-funk-sounding song created with a synthesizer. The band put everything they wanted to try out into this EP, and that would actually shows us what exactly Contemporary na Seikatsu are now.