レゲエの魅力をここまで力強く、確信を持って伝えてくれる作品はなかなかない。60年代に弱冠7歳でデビューを飾り、その後も目まぐるしく流行が移り変わるジャマイカ音楽界をサヴァイヴしてきた最高峰のレゲエ・シンガー、フレディ・マクレガーの4年ぶりとなるアルバム。今回は〈原点回帰〉を掲げていて、〈Heavenless〉使いのタイトル・トラック、同オケに乗った盟友デニス・ブラウン“Your Love's Got A Hold On Me”のカヴァーという冒頭2曲で、そのテーマがはっきりと打ち出されている。バックを支えるのはクリーヴィ・ブラウニーダルトン・ブラウニーら、80年代からフレディを支えてきた名手たち。過去の名リディムのリメイクを挿みながらも、決して懐古主義に陥ることはなく、レゲエならではのタフネスを瑞々しく描き出す。主役の歌声も快調そのもの。本年最重要レゲエ作品であることはもちろん、50年以上に渡るキャリア屈指の傑作では!? 参りました!

[English Translation]
There is hardly any other piece that conveys the appeal of reggae so powerfully and convincingly as this one. This is the first album in 4 years from FREDDIE McGREGOR, one of the greatest reggae singers who made his debut in the 60s when he was only 7 years old and since then has survived in the Jamaican music scene where trends change at the most bewildering pace. Under the concept of [returning to the roots], the first two songs -the title track based on the [Heavenless] riddim and a cover of his old ally Dennis Brown's "Your Love's Got A Hold On Me" that uses the same backing track- clearly push the theme to the forefront. Playing in backing band are Clevie Browne, Dalton Browne and other ace players who have supported Freddie since ‘80s. While containing the remakes of well-known past riddims, the album never lapses into retrospection, freshly demonstrating a toughness typical to reggae. His voice is in such an excellent condition. There's no doubt this is the most important reggae album of the year and actually may be one of the best albums in his 50-odd years career. Totally captivating!