〈ROAD TO 横浜レゲエ祭〉3年連続決勝進出の末に果たした〈横浜レゲエ祭〉への出演や、〈UMB〉などバトル/コンテストでもその名を轟かせ、地元・大阪を中心にかねてから新世代として注目を集めてきたAPOLLOが、RED SPIDERプロデュースのレーベルからようやくアルバム・デビュー。客演を一切入れずに届けるDJぶりは、果たせるかな冒頭の“Intro”から自信と勢いに満ち、続く“APOLLO STYLE”で見せるお得意の高速フロウでいきなり最高潮に。〈クソったれな暮らしから脱走〉と力を漲らせる“GET BUSY”、バルカン調サンプルが軽快に彩るダンスホール・トラックに乗った“Arriba Arriba”と続く序盤からエネルギーが溢れ出る。MVでも大いに話題となった既発曲“DO ROAD”を機に、後半へと向かって曲調の幅を広げていき、最後まで気迫のこもったマイク捌きは迫力十分。圧巻の“Kill you”を頂点に、〈ここまで来たらあとは上がるだけ〉(“MOVE ON”)の歌詞を地で行くレゲエ・シーン待望の一作だ。

[English Translation]
Having long been gaining attention as a next-generation artist mainly in his native Osaka by making a successful appearance at the [Yokohama Reggae Festival] after 3 consecutive advancements to the final round of the [ROAD TO Yokohama Reggae Festival] or by achieving musical distinction through such MC battles/contests as [UMB], APOLLO has finally made his album debut from the label produced by RED SPIDER (Japanese reggae artist). His great DJ performance without any guest appearance is full of confidence and momentum from the opening "Intro," and goes straight into full swing on the following "APOLLO STYLE" with his signature fast flow. The album is brimming with energy from the beginning, as in the following spirit-filled "GET BUSY" that advocates about 'Getting out of my effing life,' or "Arriba Arriba" that is delivered lightly on a dance hall track adorned with Balkan-ish samples. A wider range of tunes appear in the latter half of the album starting from the pre-released "DO ROAD," the much-talked about track along with its music video, showcasing his powerful mic-play until the end. With the splendid "Kill you" as the climax, this album, long awaited by the reggae scene, is the embodiment of the lyrics (in "MOVE ON"): 'As things can't get worse, I just move on.'